"I don't know the words," "I don't like the melody"
"It's too emotional," "There's too much theology" "You're jumping like a kangaroo," "You're still as a stone" "We've sung it a thousand times," "I've never heard it before" Refrain ... Jesus, I want to hear Jesus I want to see Jesus I want to know Jesus But I'm not alone Everywhere I turn there's people who don't look like me They eat that food that gives me diarrhea When they speak I have no clue what they’re saying Why can't they be like me? Refrain ... But I'm not alone 7 billion people speaking 7000 tongues 7 billion breathing through twice as many lungs Being born, and dying every day Who designed it this way? Refrain ... But I'm not alone Every tribe and nation will gather 'round the throne But I'm having trouble just dealing with my own Help me touch the nations you've put right next door So I can practice loving Jesus forever more Refrain ... And I'm not alone Refrain ... And we're not alone Bop bee dop bee day Bop bee dop bee doe Bop bee dop bee dee We're not alone |