These songs are ordered first by the composer's last name, then by title.
Always toward Heaven
Mindy & Wes know where they're going (2015) Austin Schlemaustin (1991) Eau de [explicit] Unexpected relationships (1998) Elwyn & Marilyn 50th anniversary (2006) Further Up Aslan-inspired view of Heaven (1980) Glimpse Look for little bits of Heaven here (2003) HD Blues "No sir, officer, I am not drunk" (2013) Home In Your eyes A home is a place where two lovers lie down in the shelter of God’s sacred plan (2001) Into Heaven Create lasting stuff, please (2012) Leaves For Mom (2008) |
It's not me You're not the only one she's marrying (1989)
Liminal Lullabye You're getting veery sleeeeeepy (2009) Lydia (2001) Lydia's Christmas Song (2015) Melinda Meloo (1988) Our garden For a wedding [poetically explicit] (2007) Perfect Nicole & Austin are impeccable, indefectible (2015) Plea for a Name Jacob's First Song (2017) Psaume 139 (pas encore) (1997) Put It In His Hands (not yet) (1994) The End The day was better than you think (2007) This Day Today's the only day you have or need (2006) |
To Be Free Freedom in the slavery of marriage, for Barb (1985)
Waiting for Me Mission's right here (2005) We're Not Alone - bumpy road to Rev 7 (2011) What does it matter? Who knows if we should have married 25 years ago, but boy it's good now (2007) Your Beauty's in Christ You're not the one for me, but I'm marrying you anyway (2010) 2 Souls Repent Stop screwing things up |