First Moments in Heaven: Throne and City
Soul, imagine you’ve just arrived in heaven and you sense something around, above, beneath… vibrating and resonating with the basic frequencies of your fundamental nature. You’ll listen, look, smell, feel your way to the source of the sensations, liquid strength rushing through every atom, increasing with every step you take closer and closer and closer.
Light blazing and burning and healing
Sounds breaking and rumbling and restoring
Aromas choking and overpowering and clearing every passage for more and more breath
And then...
and then...
The Father and Lamb and Spirit extinguishing every. other. thought. feeling. idea.
Trinity flooding over, through, in, under, around, every aspect of your being.
Washed. Flipping over and around.
Frozen. Freed. Forgetting. Falling. Filled. Found.
God Almighty
Then awareness of others experiencing this with me. Around the throne. The throne.
Sounds and colors and movements and faces and smells and tastes all at once no holding back everything flowing in adoring and praising and loving and giving to the
only God most high!
Cacophonies of every life, angel, cherubim, seraphim,
expressing every nation
in every pattern
with no reserve
crowded around the throne. The throne!
Incomprehensible diversity shaped by love invading every particle of our wills and minds and hearts
Around the throne we enact scrolls with writing, proclaiming in loud voices, crying out, thousands of angels saying together, singing new songs, falling to worship on their faces.
But inexplicably, YHWH will invite us to turn away. “How can we do that?! We’re finally home, with you? I will not leave!”
“Ah, but I am king over all my kingdom. All of Heaven and all of New Earth – they are your home. Explore...nothing, absolutely nothing can separate you from me. This was true on the shadow Earth, but here you will always know it. Further up and further in ? You remembered Revelation 5 & 7 well, but you forgot 21 & 22. Shalom, peace, health, love, joy, projects and organizations and nations bringing their finest products to honor me in my holy city, creativity unhindered by sin, every aspect of my kingdom redeemed, refurbished, renewed, infinities upon infinities of limits to reach and surpass. Your workshop. Your playground. Your communion with all the saints. Go.”
So...I turn and go.
Light blazing and burning and healing
Sounds breaking and rumbling and restoring
Aromas choking and overpowering and clearing every passage for more and more breath
And then...
and then...
The Father and Lamb and Spirit extinguishing every. other. thought. feeling. idea.
Trinity flooding over, through, in, under, around, every aspect of your being.
Washed. Flipping over and around.
Frozen. Freed. Forgetting. Falling. Filled. Found.
God Almighty
Then awareness of others experiencing this with me. Around the throne. The throne.
Sounds and colors and movements and faces and smells and tastes all at once no holding back everything flowing in adoring and praising and loving and giving to the
only God most high!
Cacophonies of every life, angel, cherubim, seraphim,
expressing every nation
in every pattern
with no reserve
crowded around the throne. The throne!
Incomprehensible diversity shaped by love invading every particle of our wills and minds and hearts
Around the throne we enact scrolls with writing, proclaiming in loud voices, crying out, thousands of angels saying together, singing new songs, falling to worship on their faces.
But inexplicably, YHWH will invite us to turn away. “How can we do that?! We’re finally home, with you? I will not leave!”
“Ah, but I am king over all my kingdom. All of Heaven and all of New Earth – they are your home. Explore...nothing, absolutely nothing can separate you from me. This was true on the shadow Earth, but here you will always know it. Further up and further in ? You remembered Revelation 5 & 7 well, but you forgot 21 & 22. Shalom, peace, health, love, joy, projects and organizations and nations bringing their finest products to honor me in my holy city, creativity unhindered by sin, every aspect of my kingdom redeemed, refurbished, renewed, infinities upon infinities of limits to reach and surpass. Your workshop. Your playground. Your communion with all the saints. Go.”
So...I turn and go.